Geophysics fieldwork
- Cours (CM) 3h
- Cours intégrés (CI) -
- Travaux dirigés (TD) 6h
- Travaux pratiques (TP) 30h
- Travail étudiant (TE) 54h
Langue de l'enseignement : Anglais
Enseignement proposé en : en présence
Niveau de l'enseignement : B2-Avancé - Utilisateur indépendant
Description du contenu de l'enseignement
This module mainly consists of a geophysical field work allowing students to familiarize themselves with several geophysical imaging methods. After a brief classroom introduction, students are separated into small groups and have the opportunity to acquire geophysical data at the same site using different instruments (seismic, electrical resistivity, gravimetry, radar). These data are analyzed in class after the field camp.
Compétences à acquérir
In this course, students will learn to acquire geophysical data on the field using different equipment; design a geophysical campaign relative to an objective. Finally students will process the geophysical data using dedicated software and interpret the results linked to the objectives (geological, hydro geological, geotechnical or environmental).
École et observatoire des sciences de la Terre (EOST)
5, rue René Descartes67084 STRASBOURG CEDEX
Formulaire de contact
Sheldon Warden
Maksim Bano