Marketing & Responsible Purchasing
- Cours (CM) 20h
- Cours intégrés (CI) -
- Travaux dirigés (TD) -
- Travaux pratiques (TP) -
- Travail étudiant (TE) -
Langue de l'enseignement : Anglais
Enseignement proposé en : en présence
Description du contenu de l'enseignement
This course is organized around two main modules:
1) Sustainable marketing : this module aims to familiarize students, as future managers, engineers, and entrepreneurs, with the importance of the adoption of the sustainable marketing approach in the XXI century. Using cases from around the world (Europe, North America, Africa, South America, Middle East and Asia) it proves that sustainable marketing is neither a myth nor an oxymoron, though for the marketers there are still many ways for improvement. This course highlights how sustainable development and marketing fit together, in a what way sustainable marketing differs from traditional marketing and how to design a basic sustainable marketing strategy in simple steps. The course is designed around the process of understanding, creation, communication, and delivery of sustainable customer value by defining sustainable marketing as socially and environmentally responsible actions that meet the present needs of consumers and businesses while preserving or enhancing the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
2) Sustainable Purchasing : this module is designed to give the students an understanting of environmental and social supply chain issues and how purchasing decisions can affect them.
1) Sustainable marketing : this module aims to familiarize students, as future managers, engineers, and entrepreneurs, with the importance of the adoption of the sustainable marketing approach in the XXI century. Using cases from around the world (Europe, North America, Africa, South America, Middle East and Asia) it proves that sustainable marketing is neither a myth nor an oxymoron, though for the marketers there are still many ways for improvement. This course highlights how sustainable development and marketing fit together, in a what way sustainable marketing differs from traditional marketing and how to design a basic sustainable marketing strategy in simple steps. The course is designed around the process of understanding, creation, communication, and delivery of sustainable customer value by defining sustainable marketing as socially and environmentally responsible actions that meet the present needs of consumers and businesses while preserving or enhancing the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
2) Sustainable Purchasing : this module is designed to give the students an understanting of environmental and social supply chain issues and how purchasing decisions can affect them.
Compétences à acquérir
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to
- (level 2) distinguish traditional marketing from the sustainable one
- (level 3) apply different approaches for creating, communicating and delivering sustainable customer value
- (level 3) apply the notion of People and Planet in purchasing department to lead to a new form of Profit.
- (level 6) develop a basic sustainable strategy for a product
- (level 3) justify the importance of sustainable marketing and sustainable purchasing in today's business
- (level 5) exemplify how to structure and communicate a sustainable purchasing policy
- (level 2) distinguish traditional marketing from the sustainable one
- (level 3) apply different approaches for creating, communicating and delivering sustainable customer value
- (level 3) apply the notion of People and Planet in purchasing department to lead to a new form of Profit.
- (level 6) develop a basic sustainable strategy for a product
- (level 3) justify the importance of sustainable marketing and sustainable purchasing in today's business
- (level 5) exemplify how to structure and communicate a sustainable purchasing policy
EM Strasbourg
61, avenue de la Forêt Noire67085 STRASBOURG CEDEX
Dobromir Stoyanov